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    • TCCC: Good News: Business Story: Jeanne Collins

      Taos County Chamber of Commerce:
      Member Highlight:  
      Good News: Business Story: Jeanne Collins
      Jeanne Collins, a member of the Taos community is our feature story of success. Jeanne was born in St. Petersburg, Florida and moved to Rio Rancho, NM, for a short while then moved to Taos and attended Enos Garcia Elementary School during her early years but moved back to Florida. She graduated from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg with a double major in Interdisciplinary Studies Arts and Ancient Studies.  

      Jeanne has been instrumental in creating a networking platform for local businesses by bringing entrepreneurs together to deepen connections through sharing of ideas and acquainting everyone with one another as a way of building community. The Networking Lunches are held every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 12 PM at various restaurants throughout Taos. She also helps local artisans, craftsman, by providing a Pop-Up opportunity every Friday, 4:30 PM to 8 PM and Saturday, 10 AM to 5 PM at the Hotel La Fonda. 

      Jeanne is also a sales representative for Young Living Essential Oils. Her experience with essential oils began at an early age when her mother used them as perfume. The use of essential oils on her younger brother for night terrors was another reason she realized their effectiveness. As a representative she educates clients through in-person classes, one-on-one meetings, zooms, through social media and an e-newsletter. 

      Jeanne wears many hats and one of selflessness with her work to elevate the local entrepreneurs whether they be independent artists or business owners. She has created unique ways to help connect community by inspiring and supporting local business. 

      For more information about what Jeanne does, contact her at (575) 249-2322, or email her at tnljeanne@gmail.com.
